Imagine Peace · A Night for John Lennon
Imagine Peace · A Night for John Lennon
Inga Rumpf
Gustav Peter Wöhler
Stefanie Hempel
All-Star-Band (u.a. mit Billy King und Ben Barritt)
John Lennon gilt bis heute als einer der ungewöhnlichsten und populärsten Künstler der Welt. 2025 wäre er 85 Jahre alt geworden.
Deutschlands beste Beatles-Kennerin Stefanie Hempel hat unglaubliche Musiker:innen zu einem Tribute-Abend eingeladen: die Rock- und Soullegende Inga Rumpf, die Singer/Songwriterin Catt, den Schauspieler und Sänger Gustav Peter Wöhler und eine groß besetzte All-Star-Band unter anderem mit Billy King und Ben Barritt kommen nach Nürnberg! Imagine Peace, das sind rund drei Stunden volle Bühne, volle Energie und ein Abend voll von Musik der Beatles und von John Lennon. Es geht um John, die Legende; es geht um seine Musik und seinen Traum von einer besseren Welt: „Imagine all the people livin’ life in peace.”
Tickets: 15-50 € ausverkauft
Digitale Konzertmappe
Inga Rumpf
Details auf ihrer Homepage
A voice that stops time. CATT turns seemingly small stories into universal narratives about the now, the here, the being. Music as hope, full of radiant clarity, a new draft of pop, full of depth, full of sparkle and: Honesty.
“I embraced a lot of change as a human and as a musician. Probably everyone moves through personal transformation in these times. We are all on our way. Radical honesty with ourselves will always move us to wherever it’s most aligned for us to be. I hope my songs can give us a home, even while traveling on the in- or outside.”
Growing up in a three-house village in northern Germany between forests, fields, classical piano training and trombone choirs, CATT surrounded herself with music from childhood. Before she could really speak, she sang. Today she switches effortlessly between instruments, thrilling audiences with her immense musicality and joy of playing both in solo concerts and with her harmonious multi instrumental band. Each concert night is woven as a unique experience, colorfully and emotionally touching people’s hearts at the deepest.
Her first two albums “Why, Why” and “Change” found their way into countless ears and hearts and gushing reviews. Colorful arrangements naturally melt genre boarders and flow into the form of beautiful, timeless pop songs. By now CATT has built a unique musical universe loved by an enthusiastic audience worldwide growing day by day.
Dive into the music of CATT.
Gustav Peter Wöhler
Details auf seiner Homepage
Stefanie Hempel
Details auf ihrer Homepage